If the male anatomy is visible and understandable, the device of the female perineum even in some women raises questions. When we first look at a woman’s perineum, we see two large labia that have different sizes and shapes and are represented simply by adipose tissue. Since all the tissues of the genitals of a man and a woman are the same, they are simply given a different shape, then I will draw a parallel, showing which genitals of a woman correspond to the male ones. In particular, the labia majora correspond to the male scrotum. Between the labia majora are the small lips. They are two petals that merge together at the entrance to the vagina, and at the top each of the petals is divided into two leaves, forming the hood of the clitoris. The size, shape and color of the labia minora are very diverse. Small lips can be very small, completely hiding under the large ones, or, conversely, significantly protrude outwards. Their color varies from pink to almost black. The labia minora correspond to the foreskin of the penis. They are quite sensitive, capable of blood filling in response to arousal, which leads them to increase, touching them can transmit sensations to the clitoris.
All the tissues from which the genitals of men and women are made are the same.
Moving on, we spread the labia minora and see two holes: one slightly higher, small, about 5 mm in size – the urethra and immediately below it, bordered by the folds of the mucous membrane, the second hole – the entrance to the vagina. The size of the entrance to the vagina also varies greatly among women. This is determined not only by whether the woman gave birth or not, but also by innate anatomical features. More about the boulevard ring, which is the name of the area of the entrance to the vagina, we will talk below when we talk about the vagina. Now consider the other components of the perineum, located on the outside.
The most important female organ associated with pleasure is the clitoris, in fact, it exists only for pleasure, it has no other functions. It is quite easy to see the clitoris, for this you just need to move the hood of the clitoris up, and at the same time its head will be exposed. In appearance, the head of the clitoris resembles a small ball of pink color, in size it can vary greatly from different women: from a tiny, only a few millimeters, to a large formation of a few centimeters, while large clitoris in shape resemble the head of the penis. In some women, it is impossible to detect the head of the clitoris, since it is completely hidden by the hood. This condition is called clitoral phimosis by analogy with the penis, which can also have a dense and regid foreskin that does not allow you to expose the head.
The clitoris consists not only of the head, it is only the visible part of it. In fact, the clitoris is a fairly large organ, it has a body that continues deep, then the body of the clitoris is divided into two legs that diverge on the sides, continuing into soft tissues, ending in the area of the labia majora. The length of the body of the clitoris is about 3-4 cm, and the legs can reach another 5-6 cm. In structure, the body and legs of the clitoris are made up of the same tissue that makes up the cavernous body of the penis, but the head of the clitoris is different in structure. It corresponds to the spongy body of the penis, that is, the tissue that makes up the glans penis. The head of the clitoris contains a very large number of nerve endings, much more than in the head of the penis, more than 8 thousand, which makes it the most sensitive organ in the human body. These are special nerve endings that occur only in the genital area and the nipples.
On the inside of the legs of the clitoris, framing the entrance to the vagina, there is a paired organ-the bulbs of the vestibule. In structure, they correspond to the spongy body of the penis. These two formations are also able to fill with blood and increase in size. Together with the clitoris, the vestibule bulbs form the so – called female erectile organ-a structure consisting of the tissues of the penis, but having a different shape. The female erectile organ in the form of a horseshoe frames the entrance to the vagina. Thus, in the female body, from the same tissues from which the penis is made, a similar organ is formed, only of a different shape, the task of which is not to penetrate, but to create a special cuff at the beginning of the entrance to the vagina. Such a cuff is also capable of erection, this leads to an increase in its size, which provides not only an increase in sensitivity in this organ (the penis outside the erection reacts significantly less to tactile contact), but also a dense contact of the tissues of the erectile organ with the penis in the process of friction. Simply put, as a result of arousal, the penis acquires a dense oblong shape necessary for its introduction into the vagina, while its skin and head become very sensitive, and the female body, due to the same mechanism, “inflates” the cuff at the entrance, providing close contact to transmit sensations to the entire erectile organ, which, let me remind you, includes the head, body and legs of the clitoris, as well as a paired organ – the bulbs of the vestibule.
Once again, I would like to draw attention to the fact that an erection for sexual intercourse is necessary not only for the penis, but also for the female erectile organ, since only thanks to the full-fledged fullness of this organ, it is possible to achieve its maximum sensitivity. It just so happens that it is extremely difficult to visually assess the fullness of a female erection, and sexual intercourse can be carried out even in the absence of this erection, this is partly one of the reasons for the difficulties with obtaining pleasure during sexual intercourse in a number of women, which we will discuss below, since first we need to touch on what physiological stages the female sexual cycle consists of, in other words, sexual intercourse.
An erection for sexual intercourse is necessary for the female erectile organ no less than for the male.