In order to understand how the female pleasure system works, it is necessary to first consider the device of the penis, since this organ is more understandable and easy to” use”, and as it becomes clear later, all its structural elements are present in a woman, only their location and shape look different.
The penis consists of three main structures: two cavernous bodies and one spongy one. The structure of these bodies resembles a sponge, which is able to fill with blood, which increases its size and makes it dense. The filling of these bodies with blood, which leads to an increase in their size, is called an erection. An important point – sexual arousal, both in men and women, is always the flow of blood to the genitals, in other words, the fullness of the tissues of the genitals is the basis of arousal and, accordingly, receiving sensations. No blood flow – no arousal, and this is true for both sexes. In men, this is shown very clearly and clearly by the strength of the erection, but in women it may not be so noticeable.
Two cavernous bodies are located on the sides of the penis, in the center there is a spongy body, which is crowned by the head of the penis, and at the base it is represented by a “bulb” – an expanded part that includes the urethra, which runs along the entire spongy body. In the area of the bulb, there are two paired glands – the so-called “bulbous”, they produce a lubricant that pre-lubricates the urethra before ejaculation. That’s how the penis works. The three bodies that make up it are filled with blood as a result of arousal, which leads to an erection. The entire penis has many nerve endings, but the largest number of them is located on the head of the penis, where their density is maximum.
The center of male pleasure is the seminal tubercle.
Between the base of the penis and the bladder is the prostate gland, which, like a clutch, wraps around the urethra, which, in turn, then enters the spongy body of the penis. It is in this gland that the center of male pleasure – the seminal tubercle-is located. It is located in the center of the gland in the lumen of its canal. It opens the ducts of the gland itself, and the vas deferens, that is, the components of the sperm are mixed. The tubercle itself contains a lot of nerve endings, and when during orgasm there is a contraction of the prostate gland, the sperm quickly passes through this tubercle, the man experiences pleasant sensations. That is, the basis of the male orgasm is a rhythmic contraction of the prostate gland and pelvic muscles, which leads to the ejaculation of sperm, which, rapidly passing through the seminal tubercle, irritates its nerve endings, which causes pleasant sensations. Any disease of the prostate gland will lead to a decrease in sensations and leakage, rather than a jolt-like ejection of sperm.
The rhythmic contraction of the prostate and pelvic muscles leads to the ejection of sperm. Passing through the seminal tubercle, it irritates its nerve endings – and an orgasm occurs.
Now we can consider the phases of the male sexual cycle, as they are important in understanding the female cycle, although it is different from the male one; we will discuss this in more detail below. In response to an exciting stimulus (visual, tactile, or fantasy), blood flows to the genitals. The flow of blood into the cavernous and spongy bodies leads to an erection of the penis. In the process of frictions in the prostate gland, the secretion accumulates, the testicles are gradually pulled up, closer to orgasm, the lubricant from the bulbous glands enters the lumen of the urethra and can be released outside. At the moment of orgasm, the accumulated secret of the prostate gland and sperm from the testicle enter directly into the lumen of the prostate canal, which, in fact, is part of the urethra that passes through this gland. This moment is called the emission phase, after which the man can no longer restrain ejaculation. In the process of ejaculation, sperm due to rhythmic contractions of the prostate gland and pelvic muscles is thrown out, passing through the seminal tubercle, which causes orgasmic sensations. After orgasm, a man has an outflow of blood from the genitals, an erection passes and a refractory phase occurs, during which the man is temporarily unable to start sexual intercourse again. The duration of the refractory phase varies, but on average it is about 20-30 minutes.
Immediately after orgasm, a man has a refractory phase, during which it is impossible to start sexual intercourse again. Its duration is 20-30 minutes.
If we analyze the male sexual cycle, we can distinguish two important elements that ensure the onset of orgasm: fullness of the genitals and contractions of the prostate gland and pelvic muscles. The fullness of the genitals in men is the most important factor not only for the implementation of sexual intercourse, but also for the onset of orgasm. A man can’t have an orgasm without an erection. Actually, Viagra-type drugs do not affect arousal in any way, they are only aimed at increasing blood flow to the penis. Without the contraction of the pelvic muscles and prostate gland, it will not be possible to quickly throw out sperm, and this is exactly the stimulus needed to stimulate the nerve endings in the seminal tubercle. That is, a good blood flow, a healthy prostate gland and the contractility of the pelvic muscles are the mechanical components of a male orgasm, but all of these will not work without emotional arousal, these are interrelated things. At this point, I suggest that we stop and continue this topic when we talk about the difficulties in achieving a female orgasm. Now is the time to move on to female anatomy and physiology.