The uterus is a small muscular organ located in the pelvis and very similar to a small pear. Normally, the size of the uterus is on average 4 × 3 cm, and 99 % is muscle. The body of the uterus is located to the cervix at an angle, that is, can be bent up (to the bladder) or down (towards the rectum). Someone for some reason decided that if the uterus is bent down – it’s bad, and up – the norm. Who decided, by the way, is unknown. Here and knows almost every woman, if there is a “tilted uterus”, then there may be problems with conception, and it is necessary to master a pose “birch”, as it just so happens to get pregnant. Moreover, there are gynecologists who “bend the uterus” make a diagnosis that is quite beyond common sense. I want to reassure all women and once and for all to explain – the uterus can occupy any position in the pelvis, and this is not a deviation from the norm. Moreover, the uterus can during the day to change its position from the front to the rear and back. During sexual intercourse, the uterus generally unbends and occupies a longitudinal position of the body and then returns to its original position. I hope the position of your uterus doesn’t worry you now.
Part of the cervix, which is the entrance to this organ, is located in the bottom of the vagina, which tightly wraps around it from all sides. In the center of the uterus there is a narrow slit-like cavity, in fact, a comparison with the pear here again will be appropriate; the uterine cavity, in fact, is the place where the seeds are in the pear, and the flesh of the pear is the muscles of the uterus. Thus, the uterus is the most “muscular” organ in the female body, this is obvious, since in childbirth it is necessary to push a new person into the light with great force. The muscles of the uterus refer to the involuntary muscles, that is, his will to cut them you can’t, but these muscles, in addition to useful cases (birth), create and strong and often a spasmodic contraction of these muscles during menstruation is the cause of those pains in the abdomen are faced by almost every woman.
The muscles of the uterus are involuntary muscles. During menstruation, their reduction gives women severe pain.
Painful menstruation is medically called dysmenorrhea, which is primary and secondary. Primary is not associated with any diseases, occurs with the first monthly and often passes only after childbirth. Secondary is a consequence of gynecological diseases (endometriosis, inflammation, fibroids, etc.) and occurs only in the development of these diseases. Thus, if you have your period was painless and then became painful, you should seek the cause, as in primary dysmenorrhea, no disease is not detected.
The cause of pain is associated with a strong non-rhythmic contraction of the uterine muscles, which leads to the fact that part of the tissues is so strongly compressed that it ceases to receive oxygen, this causes pain. This is the responsibility of prostaglandins – substances which in norm should be evenly and not so strongly to reduce the muscles to provide a process of rejection of the mucous membrane of the uterus during menstruation. If these prostaglandins accumulate in the uterus quite a lot and they are unevenly distributed, that is, somewhere more, and somewhere less – the process is wrong, and you experience pain. As a well-known mechanism of pain, we can begin to affect him. The main task is to reduce the accumulation of prostaglandins in the uterus. This is what you are doing known painkillers, for example, ibuprofen (Nurofen), Ketanov, nalgezin and to a lesser extent analgin, which is generally quite toxic, and its use is prohibited in most countries of the world. In anesthesia there is one important caveat: take these drugs in advance, a few days before menstruation, as they do not destroy prostaglandins, and violate their synthesis. Thus, if you are already menstruating and you are suffering from pain, the drugs taken will not remove the existing pain syndrome, but simply prevent its continuation, blocking the synthesis of new portions of prostaglandins. Yes, but-shpa, which is often used to relieve menstrual pain, does not affect the mechanism of pain, but only relaxes the muscles of the lower segment of the uterus, so it can be added to the main anesthesia, but on its own it can not cope with severe pain syndrome.
Take painkillers 2-3 days before menstruation.
With the muscle layer of the uterus figured out, go ahead. In the center of the uterus are located the uterine cavity is a small space of a triangular shape, the inside is lined with epithelium called endometrium. Endometrium consists of two layers: germ and functional. It’s simple – from the germ layer grows functional, which in the case of pregnancy is part of the structure of the membranes, and if pregnancy has not occurred – rejected during menstruation.
On the sides of the uterus are the fallopian tubes, which actually come from it. These are thin tubes about 10 cm in length, at the end of which there is a formation, most similar to a baseball glove, with which the tube captures the egg that came out of the ovary during ovulation. The fallopian tubes serve to arrange a “date” for the egg and sperm: this is where her fertilization takes place, and after four days she travels to the uterine cavity, where, attached to the endometrium, the pregnancy process begins. No more functions fallopian tubes are not.