There is an important mechanism in our body that ensures survival in life-threatening situations. This is a cascade of reactions that are triggered as a result of any stress – whether it is a threat to life or a conflict at work. The goal of these reactions is survival. What happens: in response to stress, the brain produces the substance ACTH, which stimulates the production of glucocorticoids in the adrenal glands – stress hormones. They, in turn, trigger changes in the body that allow you to survive: blood begins to flow to vital organs such as the heart, brain, lungs, increases blood pressure and suppresses the immune system. If everything is clear with the first points – you need to fight, run away, think, then why suppress the immune system? The answer is simple – various poisons realize their effect by developing an allergic reaction, that is, the rapid work of the immune system, which can kill the body.
Remember: stress suppresses the immune system.
In medicine, the effect of glucocorticoids has long been used: they are used to prevent rejection of organs during transplantation, they are part of ointments and candles to relieve inflammation. Simply put, when we experience stress, we suppress our immune system. Then everything is simple: consider the example with warts. They are caused by HPV, the immune system should suppress this virus, but a different situation occurs.
The patient does not know that she has warts, the doctor shows them to her and gives negative information about how bad and terrible it is. The patient begins to experience stress, which lowers her immune system. Next, the doctor removes warts, and the patient constantly makes sure that they do not occur again, that is, maintains a stressful state. Against this background, reduced immunity allows warts to reappear, and this exacerbates stress. New deletion, and then in a circle. The doctor tries to help her immunity with immunomodulators of doubtful origin instead of a kind soothing word, which in this case will be most effective.
Actually, the same picture is formed around other similar diseases – herpes and thrush. There, too, the stress of repeated relapses does not help cure, but only hinders.
Increased attention to your disease can interfere with recovery.
Remember the warts that HPV also causes certain types of warts – no matter how much you fight them, they still do not pass, then they are simply forgotten, and they disappear overnight without a trace. What is the secret? You need to learn to forget about diseases such as warts, or emotionally invest in treatment, for example, herpes, believing that this treatment will be effective, and try not to expect a relapse. For example, do not expect herpes to appear if you are very cold or extremely tired at work.
When it comes to warts or herpes, the value of the placebo effect is difficult to overestimate. A good word is more effective than pills.
I understand that this is difficult, but it works as a placebo, which has a great effect on these diseases. With warts is more difficult, about them most often for the first time tells the gynecologist at the examination, the main thing here is not to attach significant importance to this and not to be afraid. They are not dangerous and have nothing to do with cancer. Your partner is already infected anyway, he may not have warts, since his immune system does not allow them to appear. Remember that when you think about HPV every day, you are not letting your immune system cope with this virus. Warts themselves, if you forget about them, can disappear within a year.
When it comes to warts or herpes, the value of the placebo effect is difficult to overestimate. A good word is more effective than pills.
I understand that this is difficult, but it works as a placebo, which has a great effect on these diseases. With warts is more difficult, about them most often for the first time tells the gynecologist at the examination, the main thing here is not to attach significant importance to this and not to be afraid. They are not dangerous and have nothing to do with cancer. Your partner is already infected anyway, he may not have warts, since his immune system does not allow them to appear. Remember that when you think about HPV every day, you are not letting your immune system cope with this virus. Warts themselves, if you forget about them, can disappear within a year.